Developer 101

See how all pieces fit together

Why Python?

Though it is generally said that the mode of communication doesn’t matter if you are efficient enough to express yourself, it can have another say when it comes to programming languages. The choice of a programming language is many-a-times dominated by some real-world constraints such as cost, availability, training and prior investment, or even emotional attachment sometimes. Python programs, when compared to Java codes, are expected as well as observed to run slower, but they take much less time to be entirely developed.
This brings in the developer’s preference. Adding to this, Python programs are found to be 3-5 times shorter than the similar Java programs. Such small but significant benefits of Python over any other traditional coding language provide sufficient reasons for Python being the foremost choice to be learnt. These variations can be attributed to Python’s built-in high-level data types and its dynamic typing. Coming to Python versus C++, Python shines as a glue language as it combines various components coded using C++ and executes them with a length 5-10 times less. Hence, though skills can never be restricted by the language we use to execute them, there is always a chance for improvising. Similarly, Python is rightly emerging as the most ‘in demand’ language due to the simpler built-in facilities it offers.



1. Basic I/O
2. Types
3. String Templating
4. Conditionals and Loops
5. List Comprehension
6. Functions


1. File Handling
2. Exception Handling
3. Regular Expression
4. Classes and Objects
5. Object Oriented Programming Paradigm


1. Flask
2. Database Handling
3. Building Web Applications - Render-based, APIs
4. Decorators
5. Mini Project - Building an Email Client to send Mails from CSVs


1. Fetching Content from Web with requests module
2. Parsing HTML with BeautifulSoup module
3. Mini Project - Building a Web Crawler


1. Tkinter, PyQt
2. Graphical User Interfaces
3. Building GUIs for Desktop Applications
4. Mini Project - Building a Password Manager Desktop Application


Ayush Priya
An experienced developer in Python, Ayush is currently pursuing his undergraduate degree (BTech) in CSE, second year. His forte is desktop application and he is an innovator in web scraping.
Angad Sharma
Samyak Jain
Ayush Priya
Ubaid Usmani
Paritosh Mahajan

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DSC is a developers’ community in VIT Vellore that aims at rejuvenating the minds of beginners in tech. We provide opportunities to not only skills and knowledge, but also innovation and willingness. In a desire to introduce creativity into technicalities, designers at DSC collaborate with the developers and managers to bring out really effective executions. Students here have worked at real – time projects that use web dev, app dev, AI and much more.